Secretariaat; Amalia van Solmsstraat 35 1723 KP Noord Scharwoude. Telefoon: +31 (0)72 5711721 Mob: +31 (0)628 941795
dinsdag 24 september 2013
Er is een geschikte microscoop gevonden voor Dr. Dorobantu! Later in het jaar na de in gebruik name meer hierover. Bedankt voor alle reacties.
maandag 23 september 2013
Goede bestemming voor een fiets

Today we all went to church in the morning. When we went out after the service I saw a old friend.
You brought last year a special bicycle for disabled persons. I have found the right man for it after I have looked for him. He is like 35 years old, he has a form of disability and he is married to a normal woman and has 2 children together. The children are both ok and have no problems at all.
Today he just came from the forest where he picked up some wood for the fire in the winter time. I thought that was really nice because he was using the bicycle for providing for his family.
He invited me to go and see his new born a girl and I will do that tomorrow.
I think it is nice to know that things you send to us are used and they are a big help for families like this young man .
God bless,
zondag 22 september 2013
Microscoop gezocht
To whom it may concern!
Because our activity involve/include lots of microsurgery procedure for adults and children with hand injuries, we need to use very often an microscope.
Our department has got an old microscope but is not working and this make our surgeries very difficult to be done without the right equipment.
We will appreciate if there is any possibility to help us to obtain an microscope and in this way we can improve our work and help lots of patients with injuries to have facilities for their surgeries.
Dr. Dorin Dorobantu ConsultantPlasticSurgery and Reconstructive Microsurgery
Head of Plastic Surgery departament from Emergency Hospital County Mures
President of Plastic Surgeons Association County Mures, member of Romanian Association of Plastic Surgeons and IPRAS
tel +40744339139 ,+40265212111/int 386
We kan hier mee helpen??????
vrijdag 20 september 2013
Hulpgoederen uit Engeland
Van de organisatie International Aid Trust uit Preston Engeland hebben we mooie partij eten en medische artikelen gekregen.
Hier de link met foto's
hier de link naar hun website
Hier de link met foto's
hier de link naar hun website
dinsdag 17 september 2013
Bericht uit Botosani
Hello Mr. Maarten,
1. the load you have sent it was very nice and we thank you for that . I did not have the time to distribute it to people in the village, but we will do that next week. We have donated the beds to the same asylum because they need it . I give biscuits to poor people almost every day at the gate of Casa Ioana. It is something I did not want to do in first part. But I have given to some only and now more know about this and come and ask. I was trying to avoid them coming to that place where children are. A bit too late. :) It is ok.
Hope you and family are ok.
We are all fine here. Summer is gone , but we have a nice autumn and that is very nice.
3 things to tell you .

2. Wanted to inform you that we are all ready for school. We have 16 children in school this year. Only the 2 smallest ones are not in school, because they too little. But the rest is ready for a long year of studying. we have most of the preparations and we are ready for it. We made a nice picture with all of us and I am sending that to you.
3. More people ask for disabilities wheelchairs. If you have some it will be helpful.
Thank you and your whole team for all the help you provide to us all. It means a lot for us and for the area and for so many people who get help from your charities.
yours :
vrijdag 13 september 2013
Bericht uit Hongarije
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Dear Mr. Maarten Koel,
please read the attachment.
Szilágyi Dániel
Community Centre of Lébény
Akácfa u. 76.
please read the attachment.
Szilágyi Dániel
Community Centre of Lébény
Akácfa u. 76.
donderdag 12 september 2013
Donderdag, 12 September 2013
De overvloedige neerslag in de voorbije nacht heeft geleid tot ernstige overstromingen in de provincie Galati. Lokaal viel tot 110 liter per vierkante meter in een tijdsbestek van enkele uren. Zevenhonderd huizen zijn overstroomd in twaalf gemeentes en honderden mensen zijn geëvacueerd. Zeven mensen zijn omgekomen en een is vermist. Premier Ponta heeft de noodtoestand afgekondigd in het gebied, aldus Mediafax
Donderdag, 12 September 2013
De overvloedige neerslag in de voorbije nacht heeft geleid tot ernstige overstromingen in de provincie Galati. Lokaal viel tot 110 liter per vierkante meter in een tijdsbestek van enkele uren. Zevenhonderd huizen zijn overstroomd in twaalf gemeentes en honderden mensen zijn geëvacueerd. Zeven mensen zijn omgekomen en een is vermist. Premier Ponta heeft de noodtoestand afgekondigd in het gebied, aldus Mediafax
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