Dear Mr. Maarten,
I just transferred you the pictures from the last truck. Thank you for all the things you sent: all of them are of high quality and many of our centers are already fighting to receive some. The chairs are in amazing good condition and highly need it on most of our centers. Same are the mattresses. And the plastic plates and the table paper sheets: it is almost a luxury for our beneficiaries to have such new and joyful things on their tables, and I am sure that these will improve a little their morale, on every day.
Everything will find the most appropriate destination: for instance, the mobile tables and all the mattresses will go to a new center in the neighborhood, at 36 km from Abrud. This center will be opened in the end of July 2014 and it will be our most modern center. We visited it, together with Anita and Jan Valek and they agreed that, for Romania, the center offers good condition (I took some pictures from this center, they are the last in the series I just transferred you). The main idea of this center is to offer shelter (into wonderful natural area) to 50 adults with neuro-psychiatric disabilities. Also this center will offer a job to 20 people from an area where unemployment is over 70% (this is the situation for the entire mountain area of Apuseni).
The cabinets and most of the furniture will remain to Abrud center. … and the electrical armchairs. These armchairs are so good and so distinguished of everything we have that, in order for my colleagues to understand what these are, I must show pictures from a “demonstration” made by Klaas Groot with this kind of armchairs, during my visit in the warehouse in Almere.
I am also happy that Jaap Ligthart and his wife offered us a good part of their time, and we visited together Galda center and Abrud center. Also, together with Jan and Anita, we had a short meeting with my General Manager because he wants to express his gratitude for all your volunteers, for all your help. Then, we had a wonderful walk through the citadel (I also transferred you some pictures).
Those two days spent with Jaap, Geerske, Anita and Jan were a nice time for me also.
I wrote a long message ... again …
Thank you for everything, to you and to all volunteers!
I wish you all the best!