Secretariaat; Amalia van Solmsstraat 35 1723 KP Noord Scharwoude. Telefoon: +31 (0)72 5711721 Mob: +31 (0)628 941795
woensdag 30 juli 2014
dinsdag 29 juli 2014
maandag 28 juli 2014
Ongelofelijk Cristi is met al de kinderen in Oostenrijk
donderdag 17 juli 2014

hier de link naar de foto's
Cristi uit Botosani stuurde weer een bericht over zijn activiteiten
Hello Mr. Maarten,
Yesterday I went to the second container to see the family there. They are fine and happy.
I was pleased to see that they did take care of the container and they use it and is a great blessing for them. I took them some biscuits and some pampers as you can see in the pictures and they were really happy. The husband of the girl is gone to work in the south of the country to work on some farms and this is really good of them.
The old man still has pain in his back and he did not go to the doctor. As you can see the small children grow up and they are nice and healthy.
In the back of the broken house they have planted some vegetables and that helps them with the food.
So all in one. This is a nice project and please extend the thank you to your team of volunteers who did this amassing work for this family. If you and your team did not help I do not want to imagine how hard would have been for them.
So thank you to all of you from the family direct and from us too.
Link here to the pictures
Yesterday I went to the second container to see the family there. They are fine and happy.
I was pleased to see that they did take care of the container and they use it and is a great blessing for them. I took them some biscuits and some pampers as you can see in the pictures and they were really happy. The husband of the girl is gone to work in the south of the country to work on some farms and this is really good of them.
The old man still has pain in his back and he did not go to the doctor. As you can see the small children grow up and they are nice and healthy.
In the back of the broken house they have planted some vegetables and that helps them with the food.
So all in one. This is a nice project and please extend the thank you to your team of volunteers who did this amassing work for this family. If you and your team did not help I do not want to imagine how hard would have been for them.
So thank you to all of you from the family direct and from us too.
Link here to the pictures
zondag 13 juli 2014
Het nieuwe huis van Elena
hier nog een paar foto's
We kunnen nu het transport gaan regelen naar Urmenis in Roemenië,
In Botsani zijn ze weer blij met de spullen (transport nr 21 in 2014 naar Roemenie)

Yesterday the truck arrived around noon time. I did not expect them so early in the day. But it was great that we had a whole afternoon to unload. So we started. We stoped many times because of the rain, but in the end we finished it and it was great.
Just want to say thank you for the load you have sent. I would say thank you for a specific item, but because I am thankful for all we received I would say THANK YOU for all the load.
Sultana are great, pampers are great, wheelchairs are also in demand, chairs,clothes, medical staff, all these are great and will help a lot of people.
As usual we will post on Picassa the pictures and the people who will receive it. Biscuits are great for our children and in August we plan to have another action with poor children in Casa Ioana with maybe 60 children . So we will use a lot of biscuits for 60 children for 5 days.
Thank you so much to your whole team because you help people in need in our area.
Yours, Cristi
hier de link naar meer foto's
Cristi heeft van iemand kippen gekregen, omdat hijzelf geen goede plek meer heeft om ze te laten opgroeien en ook omdat een paar keer zijn gestolen heeft hij ze elders ondergebracht. De zakken meel en havermout die wij gebracht hebben gaan hier dus naar toe, zie verder bijgaande foto's.
foto's van het kippenvoerproject
dinsdag 1 juli 2014
Het schooltje in Getz

Hier de link naar de foto's van de eindejaarsceremonie
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