Dear Mr. Maarten,
We received your goods the day before yesterday, and yesterday I count it and put in different warehouses with specific destination.
… but let me tell you a story first: two weeks ago, I pick up some strawberries from my parent’s garden, put it in a big basket with the intention to take it to my home. Since I live in a big block with apartments, there are a lot of children in the neighborhood, playing all day long around the blocks. When I step out from the car with the fruit basket in my hand, all children came around me. I gave to all some strawberries, all of them said “Thank you Mrs. Nicoleta ”and go, only a very young one (3 or 4 years old) said nothing but eats well. His older brother reprove him: “Mrs. Nicoleta gives you strawberries, what do you say to her?”. The little one looks surprised to his brother, think a little, chew some strawberries and then, suddenly, his face light on and he turn to me and tell me with a big, big smile: “Mrs. Nicoleta, strawberries are so good, I want some more!”.
I told you this story because the situation is somehow similar with the gifts we received from you, in this truck and in the past; so, the only thing I could say to you is: “Mr. Maarten, the goods you sent are so perfect for our needs, we thank you and … please send some more!”. Absolutely everything you sent us will be used to cover some of our beneficiaries needs: couches, chairs, massage armchairs, tables, clothing, toilet sits for disabilities people, and of course the biscuits. We received 5496 packs of biscuits, we have around 750 beneficiaries in our own centers, so all of them will eat 7 packs of good quality biscuits.
On each of my messages I underline the high quality of the people you are working with: this time I was also amazed of their polite behavior, their sincerity, and their clear intention to help Romanian people. For instance, seeing that our gym room is very poor, Mr. Wihlem told me that he works in a gym devices shop, and he ask me to write you a mail to remind him to send us few gym devices. I was amazed that, after bringing a truck full of gifts, driving few days in a hot climate, your colleagues still had the power to think once more to the unknown people they helped. I also like that both Mr. Wihlem and Mr. Charles had all the time a smile on the face, and a good word (in dutch) for all our beneficiaries that approach them during the visit. Also, they shake hands with these beneficiaries, making them very happy. (Happily, we skipped the 2nd floor, because on that floor is a woman that screams “Heil Hitler!” each time she hear a man speaking a foreign language: probably your colleagues would lose the smile with such a reception).
I promise you to take pictures as soon as we will arrange your furniture in our rooms, and send it to you.
Thank you for everything and may God bless you and all the people who worked for these good facts!
Best regards,