Dear Mr. Maarten,
do not have budget for electrical appliances since many years. Both the oven and the dryer look almost new and I am sure that it will provide a lot of help and comfort to our beneficiaries for many years starting from now.. And speaking of comfort: hospital beds you sent are wonderful, completely equipped and in good condition; together with the mattresses you sent us (in this truck and in the previous ones) will offer good living condition to our beneficiaries, living condition that not many people from social system in Romania have. hier de link naar meer foto's
And I have to mention the medical consumables: it is a luxury for our people to have so many types of band aid, syringes and cotton wool, and diapers. Thank you for this also.
A special thank you for the kermisbedden, and I will explain you why I asked for these: the hospitals does not receive our beneficiaries (children or adults) unless if they are accompanied by a care personnel from our employees; but the care personnel receive a bed to sleep in the hospital very rarely, so their work become almost unbearable then. Having these kermisbedden, it will be very easy to unfold it for the night for sleep, and to fold it in the day to not disturb the medical activity.
In spite of the fact that we have enough budget for food and our beneficiaries are always well fed, they are also always happy to eat the biscuits you are sending. The biscuits are very tasty and different that the ones in local shops.
I sent you few pictures from the unloading: in the end I attached a pictures with one of our "adult" beneficiaries smiling when she is receiving a toy from your boxes. You know that I am not allowed to send pictures with the beneficiaries faces but I took the risk and send that smile to you and to all the volunteer that worked so hard to gather, load and send the goods. You all deserve to know that your work provide millions of smiles to all our people.
May God reward this work and bless you and your families!
I thank you for everything you sent and I wish you all the best!
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