Eutichos report - 2015
Captivating and motivating is what Jesus told to his disciples: " “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Lk 18,16. There is something in our humanity which keeps us closer to God when we are at a fresh age: although we are stained with sin from our birth, our desire for connection, for God is deeper as a child. Our duty is to build on this desire, deep longing: to show God for our children as the fountain-head of human desires, the main connection we need.
Our new school-year brought us new challenges: one of our staff left and three new joined the team: Balogh Tünde, the evangelization teacher was offered a new job at the local school, so she left. Kocsis Tünde, Zsisku Gabriella and Szilágyi Barna joined. Kocsis is a psychologist, Zsisku is a social worker and Szilágyi came as a volunteer for only one year before he left for starting his high school training.
A new challenge was to embrace a new group of kids, so the number of registered pupils has raised to almost 100, 97 more exactly. This kids were organized in six groups with the ten member team supervising them.
We have started this year with a great team of teachers, most of them being with us from the beginning and certain ones joining us this year. We are grateful and honored to work with them, and although some of them lack any kind of professional education, they are still effective in the work. We deeply believe God is able to surpass our own abilities if we have the right motivation and He prepares us to share the gospel of His love in a simple and yet successful way.
The team of our teachers is as follows:
Borsi Julianna (39) She has been with us since 2010, a young, energetic teacher who has a great ability to get close to our kids. Formerly she has worked as a factory worker, had the possibility this year to change for a better job, but she decided to stay, which we really appreciate. During 2015 she has been studying social work with the focus on home care for elderly people. She is a widower since 2013, raising alone her two sons: Attila (17) and László (14). |
Eszenyi József (25) came to work with us in 2013, after graduating the Partium Christian University as a religion teacher. He is a young, silent personality but with a great sense of humor which is a very good ability in this work. As a kid he had to suffer a lot by his alcoholic, abusive father. He is unmarried yet, having a girlfriend, Krisztina.
Novák Ibolya (59) is a strong pillar of the team: she is both a diaconal presbyter in our church and a wise supervisor of the educational project. She has a big heart and enthusiasm for our kids, we are lucky to have her with us from the very beginning. She is married with József and has two grown-up kids: József and Annamária and three grandkids: Renáta, Márk and Boglárka.
Szilágyi Barnabás (21) was a member of our group for only this year, beside his work in the Eutichos he
has been working as a volunteer in our congregation since the 1st of September, 2014 doing a very extended work as a technician and musician. He used his music skills among the Eutichos kids as well, which they greatly enjoyed through the year. Barnabas left us at the end of this school year, in June, to continue his studies at the Johanneum Bibleschool in Wuppertal, Germany. On the 18th of July he married Ana-Lisa.
Cservid Ida (58) Being with us from the very beginning, Ida, a former factory worker now on pension, is a strong and diligent woman, having the experience of raising kids as a mother of two daughters: Mónika and Petra, both being adults with their own families and kids. Ida’s silent and patient character makes her very effective in this work. She is a widower from a long time ago.
Kacsó Gyöngyi (60) is also a veteran with Eutichos, being with us from the start. She is a pensioner, formerly she used to be a factory worker in Marghita. She is a widower since 2012, having two adults daughters and 4 grandchildren. She is a strong character, with the great ability to discipline the kids.
Zsisku Gabriella (23) is also a greener in the team: she has recently graduated the Partium Christian University as a social worker, so we have another professional on the board. She is a totally devoted christian, having a deep connection with our church family, involving herself in the youth work and homecare project as well. She is very much on the verge of the marriage, her wedding with Tamás being held on the 12th of September this year. At the moment she lives with her parents and one smaller brother.
Csokmai Anna (54) joined the team in 2010. Her heavy and disturbed life makes her more sensitive to the needs of these children: after a painful marriage she had to restart her life with two children. From her second marriage she has one more daughter. János, Levente and Hajnalka are all adults, and Anna is the happy grandmother of Benjamin and Vivien.
Kocsis Tünde (42) is the freshest member of Eutichos-team, starting her work this year. She is the most skilled as well, having a BA degree in psychology, and looking forward to get her MA degree in a year. She is a very devoted woman, focusing a lot on the improvement of the children’s emotional intelligence, and also a innovative and creative personality, who tries to implement new teaching methods beside the classical ones. Tünde is happily married with Sándor, having three children: Bernadett (17), and the twins: Szilárd and Alexandra (12)
Pop Tünde (45) joined the team in 2013, after being unemployed for a while. She is also a silent character, with a great sense of responsibility for the work. Together with her colleague, Borsi Julianna she also got a diploma in homecare. Married with Csaba she has two children: Tímea (21) and Csaba (16). Besides her work at the Eutichos school she is the caretaker of her very ill mother-in-law.
- on the 17th of September a special team of dutch bikers made us a surprise visit, led by our good friend and supervisor, Maarten Koel. Was amazing to see these senior fellows in such a good condition, showing such a great interest for this project. |
- at the very beginning of the school year, our psychologist started to evaluate the mental and emotional condition of the kids: the result was in a way kindly amazing: lots of our children had acceptable level of logical intelligence. Would be really challenging for us to start to trace, stimulate and develop the other types of intelligence, like existential, verbal, interpersonal, bodily kinesthetic, natural and musical abilities of these wonderful kids. |
- it is very encouraging to see our great partners, the two foundations: Van den Heerik and Promotie so heavily involved in this action. We see these through the financial support, the humanitarian aids flowing in as well as in their involvement in the future planning. In mid-November we hosted a great young team of agricultural scientist, who’s task was to set up a feasibility plan for Van den Heerik Agricola’s involvement in social economics. Was good to spent some effective days with these young and fresh specialists.
- as it has always been, Christmas time is the highlight of our year and life: of course we did a super-duper celebration, inviting the parents to join us. The kids prepared a nice Christmas drama, followed by a small snack and hot drinks.
-beside this we welcomed of course Santa, who brought us plenty of gifts!
And the Christmas blessings reached their peak through those nice and pricey Christmas parcels which every family received. |
- the New Year came with a trial: we were struck by a huge fire at the manse, the whole roof of the building was destroyed. Almost our entire energy had to be put in the renovation, which took almost six month. Van den Heerik and Promotie was generous again, helping us with lots of furniture.
- on th 22nd-23rd of February we were having a big fun again: the teachers created a real carnival atmosphere among the kids: great masquerade, lots of laughter, good food and good company: all you needed was there!
- on the 25th of March we had a great surprise: after a lot of years our good friend and supporter, Henk van den Heerik visited us again, together with Maarten.
We had a short time together but really strengthening in our trials. We shared visions, reconnected with each other: was good. |
- on the 10th of May we had celebrated our Mothers in our church community: the Eutichos kids made some special paper flowers for all the women attending the service.
- Maarten does a huge effort to keep everything going: we are just wondering how is he able to travel and struggle so much. On the 12th of May he was back again, and had on his agenda to visit us.
- in the meanwhile we continue to receive transports, which we distribute and share with needy people and non-profit organizations. Together with this we continue to be blessed by the visit of some wonderful volunteer drivers, great Brothers! |
- on the 30th of May we our youngsters put themselves into action: together they painted the garden toys of the local school and made them functional again.
- we had our school closing celebration on the 18th of June. We had lots of fun, plenty of gifts for each kids and mostly for those who attended regularly and did a great job. We had to say goodbye to our one year intern, Barna, was good to see the kids becoming so attached to him. We are grateful to God for having the possibility to work with this nice young fellow.
- Our programmes, however, didn’t end with the school. Between the 8-17th of July we had a wonderful Northern-Irish team again, from the exceptional Exodus foundation. They did a great work with the kids, the youngsters, and what made us even happier was that one of the leaders
was our good friend and church family member, Csoki, who had spent one year as an intern at Exodus. We were glad to reconnect with him, having him back after such a long time. Looking forward to see him finally back in September and joining us in the ministry. |
This is our Eutichos year in nutshell. Beside this project we continue our homecare program with our elderly people (30 in number). Our plan is to involve at least on full-time social worker in order to be more effective in this. Our diaconal worker, Mária, has a great potential, working tremendously in this process.
We continue to be blessed in the youth work: we have organized at least 4 big events through this school year:
- two Bible-Quiz contests in November 2014, involving at least 200 youngsters.
- an Easter Evangelization Camp, with 150 attendants in April 2015
- a youth-camp in August 2015 with more than 200 youngsters attending.
Beside this we are happily serving with our worship band, the Living Stones, being honored with lots of invitations.
It is a new challenge to continue to develop all our projects. We are eagerly looking forward to do something again for the Kingdom, as it is the greatest honor to serve him, our Prince and King Jesus.
Thank you for being a part of this great adventure, dear Fiends! Please, hold us in your prayers!
With love,
Paul and the Team
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