24 okt. (1 dag geleden)
aan mij

truck arrived on Tuesday evening, we housed your colleagues at Bleumarin motel, and Wednesday morning we unloaded the goods in Galda de Jos. I had no camera so I only took 10 pictures with my mobile, but I think it is enough for you to see that your goods are safe unloaded.
Thank you very much for all you sent, we need its and we will use everything. For us, 46 mattrasses is not only a number on a document but means that 46 of our beneficiaries will have better condition each moment when they are in beds. Also, in Galda center, less than 25% of the beneficiaries have bed side tables, so these you sent will be soon on the rooms. Probably the school banks and chairs will never arrived to a school because the manager of Galda center decided to put the school chairs in the chapel of the center, so I don't know if a school will accept only the tables. I will keep you informed.
As ussually, you sent us good quality people: Mr. Jelle van Dyke was a nice presence, he waited for us to make all our documents, then we took a long walk through the citadel. During this walk he took a lot of pictures "for mister Maarten", and I told him not to take pictures but to let mister Maarten to come and visit himself the citadel. But in the end, I make some funny pictures with Mr. Jelle and some historical characters that are all over the citadel; I hope you will see its in pictures (and for real, in a visit).

All the best!
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