In last two weeks, I took my camera and I accompany the van that is distributing your goods to our centers: pictures are loaded on transfer.ro, I hope you could downloaded it.
You will recognize your school banks and chairs: they were sent to 2 village schools from Alba county (I will send you immediately the donation agreements for both). These are the photos that contains the words "school banks" in their names.

In the pictures that contains the name Girbova you could see the goods we brought there in two transports: it is our most modern center for adult people, but still they needed some good furniture.
There lives 40 old people, and there are 2 satellite homes in the neighborhood with 10 people each. We gave them chairs, tables, banks, wheel chairs, clothes, curtains, pampers. In the pictures you will also see 4 couches that we sent previously from other transport, and which are highly appreciated and used in the rest rooms.
In the pictures with the name "Arnsberg" you will see also one of our most modern centers: it is a "Center for Recovery for Children - Arnsberg", it is located in Alba Iulia, and it has 20 places for therapy for children with major disabilities (from our system and from families). There is only specialized personnel and our psychologists were very happy to receive the beautiful "Freud couches". Also I gave to the administration 60 sheet curtains, that they will use instead of bed shirts.
In the files that contains the words "LP Pianu" are the pictures from a donation to an home from old people in Pianu village. There are 10 old people there, the local priest is running the home, and we gave them 12 chairs.
I am not sure if you received the 5 files with name "transport Abrud": today, I loaded for Abrud center 3 wheel chairs, 28 chairs and as much clothing and curtains the van could take. It is for the center from Abrud that is home for 80 adult people with disabilities, center that is almost entirely furnished with furniture from you: beds, mattresses, tables, bed side tables and the stainless steel kitchen.
In the files from "Maternal center Speranta" you could see one of your couches used as bed for a 12 years old child: the center offers shelter for 6 mothers and their children which are the victims of domestic violence. One of the mothers has 2 kids, one sleep with her in bed and the oldest one in your couch (because we only have cribs there, and he is longer than a crib).
I sent 9 chairs and one big table to the home from Cugir (19 children) but I had no camera with me, I will send the pictures later (for sure, because is a home with very special kids - meaning that they are normal and very open-minded, and I like them very much).
And last, in the pictures with name Alexandru you could see a boy of 18 years old, student in XII class, very poor (5 children, grown by a mom and a grand mom, in an apartment of 35 sqm). He is in our evidence, he could obtain a place in one of our homes but he decided to stay with his family, and since his results at school are very high, the social assistant that is managing his case make a request to our institution to obtain a bureau and a chair: we gave him these two and a beautiful commode that also came in last truck from you.
All these donation were made with legal documents, the goods are spread in Alba county and when somebody from Promotie will come for a visit, I will be glad to accompany them for a visit to any of these location, to see the how are used the goods from the above mentioned pictures.
Dear Mr. Maarten, I am sure that you understand the actual message of this mail: it is a big "Thank you!" to you all, and a huge appreciation for your entire work.
I wish you all - all the best!
Hier de link naar meer foto's
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