Dear Mr. Maarten,
Hope you are ok and so is family and your team too.
I am a bit busy with the fountain. It makes too much sand from the deep and that is blocking the filters a lot. So tomorrow I will have the pump 20 more meters down. So it will be at 100 meters. Hope this will solve the problem.
But the reason I am writing to you is to ask you if you have any shoe boxes with gifts for children. I know I have received a few from you in the past but I need a bit more if it is possible.
I will explain you why.
First project : We can go to 2 schools in villages here and take the youth from my church and make a kind of a small concert with carols singing.
I can take a group of 25 youth from the church and we will go in 2 villages and we will sing for like 20 minutes and then I will take my pastor if he is free , or I will talk a for minutes , like 10 or less and tell them what Christmas is about. Then we can give gifts to the small children , the ones under 14 years of age.
I have this on my heart for like 1 week or more and maybe it is a good project to show them the Gospel and tell the children about Christ. We can gather the whole school and the teachers and the director , and the mayor and we can do this.
Second project: Also I can talk to the school director and ask them to tell me what are the poorest families in the village and then we can have a second meeting in the school sport court and this time we do the same but with pore families.
Third project: I would like to do the same but for the old people azilum that I took you in the village. For this project I involve the children from Casa Ioana and I plan to take all of them and they will make some nice cards for them and we will sing and also talk a bit about Christmas meaning.
Benefit of this :
1. Help pore children
2. Help pore families
3. Proclaiming the Gospel of Christ.
4. Bring joy to quite a few of families and children and old people that are alone.
So last year I had Christmas shoe boxes from the Austrian church. But this year they do not respond. I do not know what is happening.
So if you know any charities who do this , it would be great if we can get some . I know I am asking a lot. But maybe you have the info and you can help me pointing me to the right direction.
There is a small church in Ziudwolde that sends me like 60 boxes every year, but I need 10 times more.
When you have some time , please tell me what do you think about this.
Thanks so much for everything,
Cristi and Alina and all 20 children we have .
Secretariaat; Amalia van Solmsstraat 35 1723 KP Noord Scharwoude. Telefoon: +31 (0)72 5711721 Mob: +31 (0)628 941795
dinsdag 28 oktober 2014
donderdag 23 oktober 2014
e-mail van Cristi uit Botosani
11:33 (52 minuten geleden)
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Thank you so much for the transport you have sent to us.
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Deze twee kinderen wonen met hun oma in de container die we in maart gebracht hebben. |
Truck came yesterday before 12 am. and by 3 P.M. they were gone already. We had a big team of children to unload and we finished in less then 3 hours.
It was nice to see Joan again and also to meet Nico for the first time. They are nice guys.
Alina sorted all the goods you have sent and they are now i the ware house. I want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for everything you have sent us here. Is is great stuff and we will help a lot of people with that.
We already gave some soy and hack to the people who come on Thursday morning for milk.
So on behalf of all the people who will benefit from this , and on behalf of the children from orphanage I say Thank you to you and your team and everyone who made this possible.
I will upload pictures on Picassa and send you links as we deliver the goods.
dinsdag 21 oktober 2014
Bedankje uit Hongarije
To: Stichting Promotie
Dear Mr. Maarten Koel,
and all those who contributed to the donations provided for us for years now, and say a special thank you for even delivering these donations to us. We would like to over and over thank the exemplary work. The all things of donations are a real help and a large support to our residents. In the name of those in need and also of our city council members I wish you good health, constant success and meritorious, resulting work. If you would like any further information about your donation’s aftermath, please don't hesitate to contact us. Lébény, 18 October 2014.
With our heartfelt respect,
Gábor Kovács Mayor of Lébény
zondag 19 oktober 2014
Nicoleta nieuw centrum
Dear Mr. Maarten,

during September 2014 we transferred groups of 10 people in order for them and for the new hired personnel to get used one with each other.

I am sending you the pictures with new center from Baia de Aries and we are expecting you all to come and visit us.
All the best!

hier de link naar de foto's
zaterdag 4 oktober 2014
Een rit naar Botosani
Verslag Roemenië 2014
Rijders: Jan Greeuw en Gerard Jan Krijgsman
Bestemming: Botosani
Vertrek: Maandag 8 september 2014
Terug: Maandag 15 september 2014
Km: ca. 4.400.
Rijders: Jan Greeuw en Gerard Jan Krijgsman
Bestemming: Botosani
Vertrek: Maandag 8 september 2014
Terug: Maandag 15 september 2014
Km: ca. 4.400.
“No problem!” riep de Roemeense monteur bij zijn eerste blik onder ‘onze’ Mercedes. Ik hoopte van harte dat hij gelijk had, maar ik twijfelde wel. Ik had zelf al 2 keer onder de auto gelegen om, met de monteur van Van den Heerik aan de andere kant van de lijn, te bezien of we het zelf konden fiksen. Niet dus. En helaas, ook de Roemeen kwam na de tweede inspectie onder de auto vandaan met de worden ‘Big problem’!. Daar waren we al bang voor. Toch niet voor zondag thuis dus.
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