Dear Mr. Maarten,

thank you for the truck no. 8th for this year. Due to the fact that we already have a collaboration for the last 3 years - the goods you are sending us are more and more appropriate to the specific of our activity. Pillows and blankets are highly need it, and therefore, highly welcomed; and we appreciated their good quality, pillows are with real feathers and blankets are soft and warm. We will replace our old pillows and blankets that are all from plastic fibers. Office chairs are also good and almost new - my colleagues from the offices asked me to send you a big THANK YOU! for these (And their spine will thank you in years for the comfort provided by the chairs). Couches will be spread in all 10 location around Abrud (the manager of the new center - Baia - already received two armchairs, some chairs and a wonderful wooden table for the endowment of the nurses office).

Thank you for everything, for the goods and for the love that helped you to gather, load and send all these gifts to us. And speaking of love I have to tell you that your colleague Charles had an wonderful attitude in front of our beneficiaries: he shows them a lot of understanding, a lot of love and care, he makes them to feel important. We have few beneficiaries which are deaf-mute from birth - and orphans also, and nobody ever loved them. The other beneficiaries do not communicate with them, and more, most of them does not know the name of the deaf-mutes people. So, most of the time these persons lives like an insignificant human being, they receive food, clothes, a shelter ... but no attention at all. Charles understood their situation and in the two hours while we were unloading the truck, he tried to communicate with these mute persons, smile them and give them little things to carry from the truck. And shake their hands. Charles was so wonderful that probably my words are not good enough to describe his behavior. I am so happy to meet people like you all, and to work with you!
After unloading, we visited the big building: as you can see in the pictures the renovation of the last two floors is almost ready, in short time I will send you pictures with the new beneficiaries. You will see then a lot of furniture from you, in the pictures I sent you today you could observe our workers mounting some laminated floor sent by you in the truck of August.
Also in the pictures you could see the delicious pizza that our cookers are backing in the kitchen received from you (from Kroemenie): it is a cheap dish that our beneficiaries simply enjoy to eat and they received it many times per month.
In the end, I have to inform you about the results of the competition "who's parking the fastest the truck in Abrud's backyard": Charles is again the best: I had no time to take out the camera from my bag and the truck was inside! ... but I was very careful while the truck left the yard and I made some pictures: the last one is the best because is showing your new colleague Harmen, in the middle of the road, running after the truck, waving the hands and screaming "Wait for me, wait for me, I have to go back in Holland!" He has a good sense of humor, he joked from the moment I met him. As I said many times before: you are sending us good quality things accompanied by good quality people.
May God bless you all, for all the help and the for all the soul you put in this help!
Best regards,
hier de rest van de foto's
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